How to Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions

How I changed my thought patterns after Stage 3 Bowel Cancer diagnosis when my kids were 6 and 4 years old 1- I anchored myself on my deepest why When I received the news of my diagnosis at 38 years old, I was filled with fear I was scared to die but But the thought…

World Cancer Day 2024

How to Release The Anger,Rage Trapped in Your Body,Effects Of Suppress Anger,how to process anger and rage,how I got rid of my anger,How to Release Years of Anger,A simple practice to deal with Anger,how to release anger from the body,why am I angry all the time?,what can I do with my feelings of anger,how to…

You are the sum of your habits

When I took charge of my habits, everything felt into place. At 44 years old, I have more energy than i had in my 20s. If you had told me that was possible, I epilepsia have said it wasn’t. At 20 years old, I thought 44 was old 😂🤣😂🤣 When I started looking after my…

How to Make Exercise a Habit and Why Do We Fail?

Exercising goes beyond working up a sweat Exercise is an opportunity for you to connect to your body Exercise is an opportunity for you to sweat the toxins out and get your lymphatic system going Exercise is an opportunity for you to tell your mind that you are in charge Because you override all your…

How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality

In 2018 I had only one thought. I will be healthier than I have ever been. I will be full of energy. I will be able to run, to ride my bike, to swim, to surf with my kids. I will be able to live a long life with quality of life. My body will…

5 Benefits of Developing the Right Habits

6 years ago, I changed all my physical, mental and emotional habits. The results?😱 were totally incredible. Here are the 5 benefits to take charge of your habits👇🏽 1- You are in control Even though initially it may seem harder, you will feel more in control of your body, mind and life. Remember: Feeling overwhelmed…

Tips to improve concentration

Before cancer, I let life take me places. I wasn’t focused on anything in particular but surviving the stresses of day to day life. I didn’t realise I had the power to focus on what I wanted. I didn’t realise I could improve any area of my life that I decided to. I was just…

Vitamins, supplements are a ‘waste of money’ for most…

How much money do you spend on supplements per month?🤔 Before being diagnosed with cancer, I was taking 6 supplements with the hope that I would feel more energy, happier and more in control of my life.😏I wasn’t prepared to change any of my habits I thought I could patch up my exhaustion and overwhelm…

Aging Well

I used to be scared of getting old… I would imagine the worst case scenario: not being able to be independent, people washing my bum, showering me…😔 I used to think  “I don’t want to live like that. What would my life be like if this really happens?” In every birthday I would have feelings of…

Healthy at every age:Your 40s

I never thought it would me The health The energy levels The mindset The happiness The business The life And yes baby, the body… My name is Angelica Alen and I am 44 years old. 5 years ago I was sick, burned out and holding on for my dear life. A Stage 3 Bowel Cancer…


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